Treatment method
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a bundle of modern and scientifically approved methods of psychotherapy. The focus lies on an effective treatment of current complaints by identifying and changing problematic thoughts and behaviors in a pragmatic approach. Understanding the relation of the current situation with your biography is an essential step towards sustainable change.
The choice of the specific technique and planning of the overall therapy depends on your individual preferences and will be worked out together in the sessions.
Typically sessions are once per week for 50 minutes. The duration of the overall therapy can vary between a few sessions (4 – 6 weeks) and up to 80 sessions (approx. two years).
Areas of problems I work with
- Panic disorder
- Panic attacks
- Anxiety disorders
- Social phobia
- Agoraphobia
- Specific phobias
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Suicidal thoughts
- Depressions
- Grief
- Reactive and adjustment disorders
- Bipolar disorder
- Obsessive and compulsive disorders
- Obsessive thoughts
- Obsessive behaviors
- Psychosomatic disorders
- Chronic pain
- Personality disorders
- Impulse control deficit
- Psychological trauma
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Addiction
- Substance use disorders
- Alcohol problems and addiction
- Drug dependency
- Gambling addiction
- Self esteem problems
- Burn-out
- Life crisis